If you are a group of more than 20 people then why not make the most of our special group rates ?
We offer competitive group rates which include overnight with either half board or full board depending on your requirements :
We also offer special group menus for lunch or dinner only. Our restaurant can seat up to 110 people.
Half board
per pers /per night 60.00€
per pers /per night 75.00€
All group reservations must be confirmed with a deposit.
Cancellations :
All reservations must be cancelled at least one month prior to the arrival date or cancellation charges will be applicable.
Please ask for our special group rates for drinks and lunch/dinner only menus.
Authourised to organize and sell excursions : Par arrêté préfectoral du 4/06/2024 sous le N° IM046180001. Garantie financière : ALLIANZ IARD, 92076 Paris
Assurance de responsabilité civile professionnelle : ALLIANZ IARD, 92076 Paris